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Conservation Meeting Minutes 10/19/06

Conservation Commission
October 19, 2006

Hank Langstroth Acting Chairman, Stephan Glicken, Katherine Roth, Janet Dunlap and Stephen Cremer
were the members present. Laura Nelson, Finance Committee liaison, was present in the audience.

7:45 p.m.     RDA Public Hearing continuance - Oleg Stakhanov for the proposed implementation of
                    landscape improvements including loaming, grading and seeding in close proximity to a
                   brook and bordering vegetated wetlands at 140 East Foxboro Street:

Hank opened the hearing in the absence of the Applicant.
The Conservation Administrator updated the Commission with the existing site conditions of the proposed
project and recommended that erosion control measures be installed a.s.a.p.
Due to the information received from the Conservation Administrator’s inspection of the proposed site, the
Commission agreed to close the hearing and issue a Negative Determination to the Applicant with the
following condition: That the Applicant contact the Conservation Administrator prior to the placement of
loam and the installation of the proposed fence, so that he may determine the required siltation control measures.
Janet Dunlap moved. Katherine Roth seconded. Voted. 3-0-2.

8:00 p.m. Abbreviated Notice of Intent Hearing continuance- Drake Realty Trust for the proposed
                site preparation and grading associated with construction of a single-family house at
            13 Drake Circle, DEP File # SE-280-0479:

The Applicant was absent from the meeting. He previously contacted the office of the
Commission to request a hearing continuance until the botanist he hired for the proposed project reviews the
wetlands on the site with the Conservation Administrator.
Hank called for a motion to continue the hearing until further notified by the Applicant.
Stephan Glicken moved. Stephen Cremer seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

8:15 p.m. The Commission's position concerning the Soccer Field Warrant Article:

The members of the Commission expressed their concerns regarding the new soccer field proposed on a portion of property
known as Parcel C:
The Commission is hopeful that the provisions of the existing Conservation Restriction contained on a portion
of  Parcel C will not be violated by the proposed new soccer field.
       (The Restriction indicates that up to 250 x 250 sq. ft. is allowed for recreational use.)
The Commission discussed restricting the use of lawn fertilizers/weed control for field maintenance.
The Conservation Administrator voiced his concern about a wildlife habitat which exists on a section of Parcel F
and feels that it should remain undisturbed. He explained that a previous Town Meeting Article concerning a
land swap proposal was established to preserve an area on Parcel A for Town Well # 5 and aquifer protection.
He feels that the best protection for the aquifer would be to remain undisturbed. He is awaiting Attorney
Gelerman’s interpretation of the deed as to whether recreational use is allowed on the land swap parcels.
Laura Nelson believes that the Soccer Association previously implied that it is their intent to provide better program
scheduling, not to increase the size of the soccer field.
Hank called for a motion for the Commission to support Article 6 of the November 13, 2006
Town Meeting with the deletion of the wording, “all/or” from the first sentence of the Article
subject to the acknowledgement that the preference of the Commission would be that the land be
be left undisturbed in its natural state to best protect the aquifer and existing wildlife habitat.
Appropriate conditions will be negotiated as part of the lease agreement.
Stephan Glicken moved. Janet Dunlap seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

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8:50 p.m. The Commission to discuss the proposed CSD Revisions:

The Commission reviewed their two primary concerns for revising the CSD bylaw:
·        The Planning Board should not be the permitting authority for granting special permits.
       The ZBA should be the permitting authority.
·       There should be no added "bonus" for open space in granting special permits.
Kathy Roth and Stephan Glicken expressed the same opinion that perhaps the Commission should consider
being involved with the Board of Health in all issues concerning water for proposed CSD development projects.    
The Commission unanimously agreed to continue this discussion after they review a copy of
what the Planning Board has voted to present at the November 13, 2006 Town Meeting.

9:05 p.m. Signatures:

The Commission signed bills. Negative Determination for Oleg Stakhanov, 140 E. Foxboro St.

9:10 p.m. Adjournment:

Hank called for a motion to adjourn.
Stephan Glicken moved. Katherine Roth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.
